‘Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Vermont has been a primary part of Vermont’s health care system for more than 30 years, providing thousands of Vermonters with health benefits and services. Indeed, we are an independent, local, not-for-profit Vermont company, governed and managed locally, and our sole focus is Vermont. For more than a generation we have been the only company to offer coverage to all Vermonters, regardless of their age or medical status, or whether they purchase through employer-based health insurance plans, as individuals, or obtain coverage to supplement their federal Medicare benefits. Our affiliation with the national Blue Cross and Blue Shield system provides our members with the security of seamless, discounted health care services when they travel across the country or abroad, but we exist solely to serve Vermonters.’
List of carriers affiliated with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Vermont
- The Vermont Health Plan, LLC
Category | Insurance Carrier Directory |
Address | P.O. Box 186 Montpelier, Vermont, 05601-0186 |
Insurance Carrier Type |
Company Size | Small |
Territory |
Views | 1,134 |