‘Since 2004, Shield Commercial Insurance Services has specialized in providing insurance products through our extensive broker network. We do not provide services directly to the public, only through our appointed brokers. We have forged relationships with highly rated insurance carriers in order to provide the highest quality product available in the marketplace. We have made it our mission to provide our brokers the simplest path to obtaining these products through the use of cutting edge technology and personal quality customer service. The majority of our staff has been with us from the founding of the company. You will find them extremely knowledgeable and friendly. We pride ourselves on making every effort to ensure you are completely satisfied each and every time you have contact with us.’
Category | Insurance Carrier Directory |
Address | 1327-C Ashley River Rd, Ste 200 Charleston, South Carolina, 29407-5386 |
Insurance Carrier Type |
Company Size | Small |
Views | 2,035 |